Sunday, August 16, 2009

BHUVAN Indian Google Earth

Bhuvan,is a satellite mapping tool similar to Google Earth and Wikimapia. It was developed by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It offers resolution up to 5 metres and is considered as a rival to Google Earth and Wikimapia.

ISRO launched the beta version of its web-based 3-D satellite imagery tool, Bhuvan, on August 12, 2009. Bhuvan will offer superior imagery of Indian locations compared to other Virtual Globe software with spatial resolutions ranging from 6 m to 55 m. Locations can be viewed from different perspectives and will allow for the measurement of distances. The Bhuvan portal is designed to run on slow Internet connections. The imagery would steer clear of all sensitive military installations in India for security concerns.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mobile Internet Phone

Atom-powered mini-tablet! This one was pretty hot! ZDNet reported that Intel Germany CEO Hannes Schwaderer confirmed that there is an iPhone that will be using Intel’s new Atom processor. According to lore, the elusive device is slightly larger than iPhone and speculation that it could be the long-rumored Apple mini-tablet with a 720 x 480 display.

Intel smashed this one pretty quickly, yesterday saying that Schwaderer’s comments were misinterpreted. Intel merely believes that the iPhone is representative of a new kind of platform (called the Mobile Internet Device or MID) and that Atom is expected to form the heart of many MIDs.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

TP Moniter~~

What is a transaction processing (TP) monitor?

Transaction processing monitors are defined as acting like an operating system for transaction processing. In other words, it is a program that monitors a transaction as it passes from one stage in a process to another. Nancy (1997) states that transaction processing monitors are part of a software category commonly referred to as middleware.

Krakowiak (2003) defines middleware as ‘the software layer that lies between the operating system and the applications on each side’ of a distributed computing system.

Transaction processing monitors can manage the transfer of data between multiple local and or remote terminals and the application programs that serve them. Transaction processing monitors guarantee that all databases are updated as a single unit. A transaction processing monitor may be used in the tour agency example to ensure all bookings can be successfully made with the airline, hotel and car companies before committing to finalising the process and updating all the databases at the same time.

What purpose does a transaction processing (TP) monitor serve?

As explained by Pachowicz, the purpose of a transaction processing monitor is to ‘manage transactions from their point of origin, on the client, across one or more servers and then back to the original client’. He also goes on to suggest that transaction processing monitors should ensure the ACID properties of transactions (explained earlier) are upheld. Therefore transaction processing monitors perform two major services:

(1) It performs a transaction service that has the ability to execute transactions concurrently while at the same time ensuring integrity.

(2) And it performs an application service to manage multiple resources, for example client, servers and transactional services, all within separate processes. According to Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, Transaction processing monitors provide:

- The ability to update multiple database management systems in a single transaction.

- Connectivity to a variety of data sources including flat files, non-relational database management system, and the mainframe.

- The ability to attach priorities to transactions.

- Robust security.

Friday, November 14, 2008

WEB 3.0 revolutioning

Basic Theme

Web 3 is web based new technology which is being developed, The technology provide a growth in the improving the intelligence of web browser, Web 3 making your web browser as your personnel assistant. For example if you have a plan to see a movie and to have some Chinese food, Then you just browse your browser open google and type your query of watching movie and having food, the browser automatically by your choice found the movie and list of restaurant, This is what more smart your search become.

Intro to WEB 2.0 and WEB 1.0

Most of you visit the YOUTUBE, this site is based on the web2.0 technology,here you can upload your video personalized your home page, IGOOGLE is also based on web2.0.
many websites like uses web2.0 technology

web1.0 is mere gives the information the user cannot interact in this with site or cannot make changes to the site.

Web 3.0

Internet experts think Web 3.0 is going to be like having a personal assistant who knows practically everything about you and can access all the information on the Internet to answer any question. Many compare Web 3.0 to a giant database. While Web 2.0 uses the Internet to make connections between people, Web 3.0 will use the Internet to make connections with information. Some experts see Web 3.0 replacing the current Web while others believe it will exist as a separate network

It's easier to get the concept with an example. Let's say that you're thinking about going on a vacation. You want to go someplace warm and tropical. You have set aside a budget of $3,000 for your trip. You want a nice place to stay, but you don't want it to take up too much of your budget. You also want a good deal on a flight.

With the Web technology currently available to you, you'd have to do a lot of research to find the best vacation options. You'd need to research potential destinations and decide which one is right for you. You might visit two or three discount travel sites and compare rates for flights and hotel rooms. You'd spend a lot of your time looking through results on various search engine pages. The entire process could take several hours.

According to some Internet experts, with Web 3.0 you'll be able to sit back and let the Internet do all the work for you. You could use a search service and narrow the parameters of your search. The browser program then gathers, analyzes and presents the data to you in a way that makes comparison a snap. It can do this because Web 3.0 will be able to understand information on the Web.

Right now, when you use a Web search engine, the engine isn't able to really understand your search. It looks for Web pages that contain the keywords found in your search terms. The search engine can't tell if the Web page is actually relevant for your search. It can only tell that the keyword appears on the Web page. For example, if you searched for the term "Saturn" you'd end up with results for Web pages about the planet and others about the car manufacturer.

A Web 3.0 search engine could find not only the keywords in your search, but also interpret the context of your request. It would return relevant results and suggest other content related to your search terms. In our vacation example, if you typed "tropical vacation destinations under $3,000" as a search request, the Web 3.0 browser might include a list of fun activities or great restaurants related to the search results. It would treat the entire Internet as a massive database of information available for any query.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Cloud computing means Internet('Cloud') based development and use of computer technology ('Computing'). It is a style of computing where IT-related capabilities are provided “as a service”[1] allowing users to access technology-enabled services without knowledge of, expertise with, or control over the technology infrastructure that supports them. It is a general concept that incorporates software as a service, Web 2.0 and other recent, well-known technology trends.

The majority of cloud computing infrastructure currently consists of reliable services delivered through next-generation data centers that are built on compute and storage virtualization technologies. The services are accessible anywhere in the world, with The Cloud appearing as a single point of access for all the computing needs of consumers. Commercial offerings need to meet the quality of service requirements of customers and typically offer service level agreements. Open standards and open source software are also critical to the growth of cloud computing.


Peer-to-peer/volunteer computing (Bittorrent, SETI, Skype)
Web application (Facebook)
Software as a service (Google Apps, Salesforce)
Software plus services (Microsoft Online Services)


Android (mobile device platform)

for more detail click to below link

Friday, June 27, 2008

Apple iPhone 3G challenger: LG Dare from Verizon

Verizon Wireless has launched yet another Smartphone to take on the upcoming Apple iPhone 3G from AT&T.

The company has launched the LG Dare which is a touchscreen Smartphone.

LG Dare comes with a 3-inch LCD touchscreen featuring a proximity sensor that turns off the LCD when it’s close to a user’s face.

It also features an accelerometer (similar to the Apple iPhone) which changes the orientation of the display based on how it is held.

The phone also features tactile feedback and handwriting recognition.
LG has loaded this mobile device with a 3.2-megapixel camera with a Schneider-Kreuznach certified lens. It also features LED flash and face-detecting technology.

Dell Studio 15 and Dell Studio 17 launched

US based personal computer maker Dell has launched their latest range of personal computers.

This new range is named Dell Studio and these are designed to offer personalized high definition mobile experience.

The company has launched two products under this new range: Dell Studio 15 and Dell Studio 17.

Dell is offering a variety of customizable options on these two laptops. Michael Tatelman, vice president of Dell consumer sales and marketing worldwide spoke about these new products: “These products are built for today’s digital nomad based on the millions of conversations we have every year on, Ideastorm and community forums. With Dell Studio we’re answering the call for personalization, connectivity and simplicity.”